An 81- year-old woman, has ended up in the hospital following her abduction and rape by hoodlums. She was believed to have been followed off a bus,attacked, and pulled from the main road.
A around 8.30pm on Friday,a 41-year old man was arrested in connection to the rape and charged with two counts of rape and one count of falsely imprisoning a person with intent to commit a sexual offence.
The incident was said to have happened in an affluent area of London.
The Express reports that officers from the Met’s Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Command continue to investigate and are appealing for information.
Detective Inspector Melissa Laremore said: “My team are keen to trace a male witness seen on Rinaldo Road, Balham on the evening of the incident.
“He was wearing a jacket with a distinctive American flag design on the back.
“I would urge him to come forward and contact police.
“In addition to this, the victim’s distinctive red Marks and Spencer’s jacket went missing after the attack.
“My investigators are working to trace it in and around the local area as it is of important evidential value.
“If you have any knowledge of its whereabouts, please get in touch.”
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